Education on the Horizon: Teaching and Learning with Technology
Week 11: Cloud-based Learning Pt. 2
Dr. Yizhen (Eejain) Huang
Department Erziehungswissenschaft, University of Potsdam
Quick recap
- Terminology: webinar, xMOOC, cMOOC
- On-line platform for systematic instructions, suitable for flipped-classroom
Relevance for Teacher Education
- Teach-Now: getting a teaching certificate through online training
- What do you think of this certification program?
Pros and cons of cloud-based instruction
I studied at the Fernuniversität Hagen. It’s a university more or less completely based on cloud based learning....I love, that i am very flexible in how i study and when i study. I also enjoy that i can study and read for myself. ...But i really miss talking about the subjects with other students.
- What were your general impressions about online learning in the teacher education program in the past year ?
What makes an effective seminar also makes a great webinar
- have "coffee break" for social talk
- every participant work together to achieve a shared goal (with Google Doc or other cloud-based tools)
- have variety of activities
- check in and wrap up
- what do you think it's important for an engaging online seminar?
Cloud-based but without videos
- requires less technology, but still engaging
- useful also for leaners who prefer textual, asynchronous discussion
Example 1
Have you taking margin notes on your books before?
Why do you annotate?
- highlight important points
- comment your own ideas
- raise questions
- ...
- but not for social communication, right?
Cloud-based annotation
- Collaborative and social annotation
- teacher can post questions directly along the text
- students can discuss with each other instantly while they read
- works for other medium too
- facilitate knowledge comprehension, tansmission, communication and even creation
Education on the Horizon: Teaching and Learning with Technology
Week 11: Cloud-based Learning Pt. 2
Dr. Yizhen (Eejain) Huang
Department Erziehungswissenschaft, University of Potsdam